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Handles Annoyance

Handles Annoyance

During VOISS lessons, Todd learned that he can leave the area when he is annoyed with a peer or he can nicely ask the peer, “Can you please stop [specific behavior]?” Further, Todd learned that if a peer doesn’t stop when he asks, he can walk away and find another...

Advocates for Self

Advocates for Self

VOISS lessons provided Rico with examples of self-advocacy skills. He learned that self-advocacy involves speaking up for yourself, asking for information to understand things that are important or interesting, and reaching out to others for help.  Rico was...

Maintains Relationships

Maintains Relationships

During VOISS lessons, Brandy learned to categorize friends and acquaintances. She learned it’s okay to talk to friends about small details and events in your life, and it’s okay to ask friends about their lives, too. She also learned that acquaintances are people with...

Uses Self-Control

Uses Self-Control

During VOISS lessons, Brandy learned to pause before making a comment. She learned to ask herself how she would feel if someone made that comment to her. If the comment would make her feel bad, Brandy would not make it. Instead, she would ask the person how their day...