Social narratives

Overview of Social Narratives

Social narratives are stories presented in a visual way that illustrate a social situation and the socially appropriate behaviors that are expected to be exhibited in the situation.

Implementation Guide

Additional Resources


Created by Heather Stolp of the Southwest West Central Service Cooperative (SWWC), this document gives an overview of social narratives and ways to implement these strategies in a classroom.

ABA Resources: Several Social Narrative Examples

This is a thirteen-minute video recording of Heather Stolp presenting the information reflected in the document linked above.

FASD Toolkit

The website, ABA Educational Resources, compiled a list of free Social Stories from various resources on the internet and classified them according to categories that children with Autism have difficulty with, such as communication, friendship, and self-care.

OCALI Autism Resources

This article includes an overview of Social Stories, instructions (also available in video form) on how to write a Social Story, downloadable examples Social Story examples, and apps to use to create Social Stories.

Autism Internet Modules: Social Narrative Module

The Autism Center Resource Gallery, created by OCALI, allows users to explore interventions to support all learners, including those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A free template accompanies each intervention. Users can download the template to create an intervention tailored to the unique needs of the individual with whom they work or live.

National Autistic Society

Designed for those who support, instruct, work with, or live with someone with autism, the Autism Internet Modules (AIM) guide users through case studies, instructional videos, pre- and post-assessments, discussion questions, activities, and more.

Social Narrative Instructional Video: by SWWC

The Communication Tools section of the National Autistic Society’s website includes examples of Social Stories and comic strip conversations that can help autistic people develop greater social understanding and help them stay safe.