During VOISS lessons, Todd learned to recognize when someone is sad, and how to affirm the person’s feelings (e.g., “That hasn’t happened to me, but I can see why you are sad”), and offer to help (e.g., “Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”). ...
Search Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Handles Annoyance
During VOISS lessons, Todd learned that he can leave the area when he is annoyed with a peer or he can nicely ask the peer, “Can you please stop [specific behavior]?” Further, Todd learned that if a peer doesn’t stop when he asks, he can walk away and find another...
Seeks Attention Appropriately
During VOISS lessons, Todd learned to raise his hand and say, “Excuse me, [Mr./Ms. Teacher’s Name], can I talk to you for a minute?” Before these lessons, Todd had often made rude comments during class that disrupted the learning environment. During VOISS training,...
Knows When a Rule Doesn’t Work and Knows When to Change Strategies
During VOISS lessons, Todd learned to identify situations where rules don’t work and to change strategies appropriately. He learned that rules are meant to help us and those around us, but some rules are okay to break in certain circumstances. Specifically, he...
Identifies Consequences and Evaluates Responses to Situations
During VOISS lessons, Todd learned to pause for five seconds when presented with a new situation. This allowed him to consider the impact of his behavior on others and to choose an appropriate action. Todd consistently applied this skill in VOISS lessons, but Mr....