Standards Alignment

Our users asked us to show how our social skill domains align with national and state standards. We produced this expandable table to show how we align with the CASEL 5 Social Emotional Learning national standards, as well as the Kansas State Social Emotional Character Development Standards. We know that many of our VOISS Advisor users are not in Kansas, but the Kansas state standards align well to most of the other state SE standards and hope you find alignment through either the national or state standards provided below.

VOISS Domain: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

CTPS.5 Evaluates Response to Situation
  • Social-Awareness
  • Responsible Decision Making
Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

Character Development

  • Core Principles
    • B. Develop, implement, promote, and model core ethical and performance principles.
      • 6-8 (11-13) 4. Practice and receive feedback on responsible actions including academic and behavioral skills.

Character Development

  • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
    • B. Develop, implement, and model effective problem solving skills.
      • 6-8 (11-13) 3. Identify desired outcome and discuss if it is attainable.
      • 5. Identify best solution and analyze if it is likely to work.
      • 6. Generate a plan for carrying out the chosen option.
      • 7. Evaluate the effects of the solution.
CTPS.6 Identifies Consequences
  • Responsible Decision Making
  • Self-Management
Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

Character Development

  • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
    • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 3. Play a developmentally appropriate role in classroom management and school governance.
      • 6-8 (11-13) a. Construct and model classroom expectations and routines.

Character Development

  • Core Principles
    • B. Develop, implement, promote, and model core ethical and performance principles.
      • 6-8 (11-13) 3. Create clear and consistent expectations of good character throughout all school activities and in all areas of the school.
CTPS.7 Knows When to Change Strategies
  • Responsible Decision Making
Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

Character Development

  • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
    • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 1. Consider multiple factors in decision-making including ethical and safety factors, personal and community responsibilities, and short-term and long-term goals.
      • 6-8 (11-13) a. Manage safe and unsafe situations.
    CTPS.8 Knows When a Rule Doesn’t Work
    CASEL 5
    • Responsible Decision Making
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Core Principles
      • A. Recognize, select, and ascribe to a set of core ethical and performance principles as a foundation of good character and be able to define character comprehensively to include thinking, feeling, and doing.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 2. Illustrate and discuss personal core principles in the context of relationships and of classroom work.

    Character Development

    • Core Principles
      • B. Develop, implement, promote, and model core ethical and performance principles.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 1. Analyze community needs in the larger community, analyze effects on the community, design positive, responsible action, and reflect on personal involvement.
        • 2. Develop ethical reasoning through discussions of ethical issues in content areas.
    CTPS.10 Seeks Attention Appropriately
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Personal Development

    • Self-Management
      • A. Understand and practice strategies for managing and regulating thoughts and behaviors.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 7. Practice effective communication (for example, listening, reflecting and responding).


    CTPS.13 Handles Annoyance
    CASEL 5
    • Responsible Decision Making

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
      • B. Develop, implement, and model effective problem solving skills.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 1. Identify specific feelings about the problem and apply appropriate self-regulation skills.
    CTPS.14 Showing empathy (affection) appropriately
    CASEL 5
    • Social Awareness

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Personal Development

    • Self-Management
      • A. Understand and practice strategies for managing and regulating thoughts and behaviors.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 7. Practice effective communication (for example, listening, reflecting and responding).

    Personal Development

    • Self- Management
      • B. Reflect on perspectives and emotional responses.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 5. Demonstrate empathy in a variety of settings and situations.
    CTPS.15 Recognizing another’s feelings
    CASEL 5
    • Social Awareness
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Personal Development

    • Self-Awareness
      • A. Understand and analyze thoughts, mindsets, and emotions.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 1. Describe common emotions and effective behavioral responses.


    VOISS Domain: Executive & Organizational Skills

    EOS.3 Completes Tasks/Assignments
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
      • 2. Organize personal time and manage personal responsibilities effectively.
        • c. Monitor factors that will inhibit or advance effective time management.
    EOS.8 Initiates Tasks Independently
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
      • 2. Organize personal time and manage personal responsibilities effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) a. Analyze daily schedule of school work and activities for effectiveness and efficiency.
    EOS.6 Adjusts Behavior in Response to Social Context
    CASEL 5
    • Social Awareness

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
      • B. Develop, implement, and model effective problem solving skills.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 8. Understand resiliency and how to make adjustments and amendments to the plan.

    Social Development

    • Social Awareness
      • A. Recognize the thoughts, feelings, and perspectives of others.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 2. Recognize nonverbal cues in the behaviors of others
    EOS.5 Uses Observation to Identify Expected & Unexpected Behaviors
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Personal Development

    • Self Awareness
      • B. Identify and assess personal qualities and external supports.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 8. Identify additional external supports

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 4. Engage and respond in personal and
          social discourse and receive feedback to make decisions that will lead to personal and social change.

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
      • 2. Organize personal time and manage personal responsibilities effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13)b. Recognize how, when, and who to ask for help and utilize the resources available.
    EOS.17 Follows Multi-Step Directions
    CASEL 5
    • Social Awareness

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
      • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 3. Play a developmentally appropriate role in classroom management and school governance.
        • 6-8 (11-13) a. Construct and model classroom expectations and routines.

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
      • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 2. Organize personal time and manage personal responsibilities effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) b. Recognize how, when, and who to ask for help and utilize the resources available.

    VOISS Domain: Expressive Communication and Conversation Skills

    ECC.12 Uses Appropriate Voice Level and Tone
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making
      • A.Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 3. Play a developmentally appropriate role in classroom management and school governance.
        • 6-8 (11-13) b. Compare and contrast behaviors that do or do not support classroom management.

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 2. Monitor how facial expressions, body language, and tone impact interactions.
    ECC.17 Displays Manners- Apologizes, Requests Respectfully
    CASEL 5
    • Social Awareness

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 1. Determine when and how to respond to the needs of others demonstrating empathy, respect, and compassion.

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making & Problem Solving A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills.
      • 2. Organize personal time and manage personal responsibilities effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13 )b. Recognize how, when, and who to ask for help and utilize the resources available.
    EEC.3 Greets Others
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 2. Monitor how facial expressions, body language, and tone impact interactions.
    EEC.7 Listens without Interrupting
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • C. Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 3. Practice greater active listening and respectful communication skills.

    Character Development

    • Core Principles
      • C. Create a caring community. 2. Demonstrate mutual respect and utilize strategies to build a safe and supportive culture.
        • 6-8 (11-13) b. Practice effective listening skills to understand values, attitudes, and intentions.
        • c. Model respectful ways to respond to others’ points of views.
    EEC.5 Asks Questions about a Topic
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Personal Development

    • Self-Management
      • A. Understand and practice strategies for managing and regulating thoughts and behaviors.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 7. Practice effective communication (for example, listening, reflecting and responding).


    VOISS Domain: Receptive Communication Skills

    RCS.9 Displays Appropriate Facial Orientation
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 2. Monitor how facial expressions, body language, and tone impact interactions.
    RCS.8 Understands Proximity/Boundaries/Behavior Expectations May Change Due to Environmental Change
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    • Social Awareness
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 2. Monitor how facial expressions, body language, and tone impact interactions.
    RCS.7 Displays and Identifies Listening Posture
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Core Principles
      • C. Create a caring community. 2. Demonstrate mutual respect and utilize strategies to build a safe and supportive culture.
        • 6-8 (11-13) b. Practice effective listening skills to understand values, attitudes, and intentions.

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • C. Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 3. Practice greater active listening and respectful communication skills.
    RCS.3 Understands Rules of Touch
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    • Responsible Decision Making
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
      • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 1. Consider multiple factors in decision-making including ethical and safety factors, personal and community responsibilities, and short-term and long-term goals.
        • 6-8 (11-13) a. Manage safe and unsafe situations.

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 1. Determine when and how to respond to the needs of others demonstrating empathy, respect, and compassion.
    RCS.2 Understands Personal Space and Boundaries
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator


    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 2. Monitor how facial expressions, body language, and tone impact interactions.

    VOISS Domain: Relationship Skills

    RS.21 Has to Deal with Bullying and Unappreciated Behavior
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    • Self-Management
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 3. Engage in advocacy and/or refusal skills during times of bullying, harassment, intimidation, or abusive behavior.

    Character Development

    • Core Principles
      • C. Create a Caring Community 3. Take steps to prevent peer cruelty or violence and deal with it effectively when it occurs digitally, verbally, physically and/or relationally.
        • 6-8 (11-13) d. Practice effective strategies to use when bullied, including how to identify and advocate for personal rights.
    RS.16 Understands and Participates in Joking
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Core Principles
      • C. Create a Caring Community 3. Take steps to prevent peer cruelty or violence and deal with it effectively when it occurs digitally, verbally, physically and/or relationally.
        • 6-8 (11-13) b. Model positive peer interactions that are void of bullying behaviors.
    RS.20 Understands Sarcasm and Figurative Language
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 2. Monitor how facial expressions, body language, and tone impact interactions.

    Personal Development

    • Self- Management
      • A. Understand and practice strategies for managing and regulating thoughts and behaviors.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 7. Practice effective communication (for example, listening, reflecting and responding).


    RS.9 Accepts Another’s Opinion
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management

    • Social Awareness

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Core Principles
      • C. Create a caring community. 2. Demonstrate mutual respect and utilize strategies to build a safe and supportive culture.
        • 6-8 (11-13) c. Model respectful ways to respond to others’ points of views.
    RS.8 Asks to Join In
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 2. Monitor how facial expressions, body language, and tone impact interactions.
      • C. Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 3. Practice greater active listening and respectful communication skills.

    VOISS Domain: School, Home & Community

    SHC.10 Deals with Transitions
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making & Problem Solving
      • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 2. Organize personal time and manage personal responsibilities effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) a. Analyze daily schedule of school work and activities for effectiveness and efficiency.
    SHC.8 Able to Make Corrections/Changes When Requested
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Core Principles
      • B. Develop, implement, promote, and model core ethical and performance principles.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 4. Practice and receive feedback on responsible actions including academic and behavioral skills.
    SHC.9 Prepares for Class
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
      • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 2. Organize personal time and manage personal responsibilities effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) c. Monitor factors that will inhibit or advance effective time management.
    SCH.4 Takes a Break (Both Self-Initiated and Initiated by Others)
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
      • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 2. Organize personal time and manage personal responsibilities effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) c. Monitor factors that will inhibit or advance effective time management.
    SCH.1 Asks for Help
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management
    • Self Awareness
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
      • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 2. Organize personal time and manage personal responsibilities effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) b. Recognize how, when, and who to ask for help and utilize the resources available.

    VOISS Domain: Self Awareness & Advocacy

    SAA.7 Knows Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
    CASEL 5
    • Self Awareness

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Personal Development

    • Self-Awareness
      • B. Identify and assess personal qualities and external supports.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 1. Analyze personality traits, personal strengths, weaknesses, interests, and abilities
    SAA.24 Identifies how Behavior Impacts Others
    CASEL 5
    • Self Awareness
    • Self-Management
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Social Development

    • Social Awareness
      • A. Recognize the thoughts, feelings, and perspectives of others.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 4. Recognize how behaviors impact others perceptions of oneself.

    Personal Development

    • Self-Awareness
      • A. Understand and analyze thoughts, mindsets, and emotions.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 1. Describe common emotions and effective behavioral responses.
    SAA.16 Advocates for Self
    CASEL 5
    • Self Awareness
    • Self-Management
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving
      • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 2. Organize personal time and manage personal responsibilities effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) b. Recognize how, when, and who to ask for help and utilize the resources available.

    Personal Development

    • Self-Awareness
      • B. Identify and assess personal qualities and external supports.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 8. Identify additional external supports (for example, friends, inspirational characters in literature, historical figures, and media representations).
    SAA.5 Can Identify the Size of the Problem
    CASEL 5
    • Self Awareness
    • Responsible Decision Making
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Personal Development

    • Self-Awareness
      • A. Understand and analyze thoughts, mindsets, and emotions.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 2. Recognize common stressors and the degree of emotion experienced.
        • 3. Analyze and assess reactions to emotions in multiple domains (for example, in face-to-face or electronic communication).
    SAA.1 Recognizes Emotion
    CASEL 5
    • Self Awareness
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Personal Development

    • Self-Awareness
      • A. Understand and analyze thoughts, mindsets, and emotions.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 1. Describe common emotions and effective behavioral responses.

    VOISS Domain: Self Care & Safety

    SCS.24 Knows what to do in Emergency Drills & Real Emergencies
    CASEL 5
    • Responsible Decision Making

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making & Problem Solving
      • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 1. Consider multiple factors in decision-making including ethical and safety factors, personal and community responsibilities, and short-term and long-term goals.
        • 6-8 (11-13) a. Manage safe and unsafe situations.
    SCS.15 Can Relay Important Information
    CASEL 5
    • Responsible Decision Making
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making & Problem Solving
      • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 1. Consider multiple factors in decision-making including ethical and safety factors, personal and community responsibilities, and short-term and long-term goals.
        • 6-8 (11-13) a. Manage safe and unsafe situations.
    SCS.6 Understand Rules of Etiquette and When Needed
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    • Social Awareness
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 6. Appraise and demonstrate professionalism and proper etiquette.
    SCS.3 Understands need for Appropriate Hygiene
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management

    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Personal Development

    • Self-Management
      • Understanding and practicing strategies for managing thoughts and behaviors, reflecting on perspectives, and setting and monitoring goals A. Understand and practice strategies for managing and regulating thoughts and behaviors
        • 6-8 (11-13) 8. Recognizing the impact of personal care.
    SCS.2 Plans Actions to Manage Appearance
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Personal Development

    • Self-Management
      • Understanding and practicing strategies for managing thoughts and behaviors, reflecting on perspectives, and setting and monitoring goals A. Understand and practice strategies for managing and regulating thoughts and behaviors
        • 6-8 (11-13) 8. Recognizing the impact of personal care

    VOISS Domain: Self Regulation Skills

    SRS.16 & SRS.17 Can Identify Needed Supports and Knows Strategies for Obtaining These Supports
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    • Self-Management
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Responsible Decision Making & Problem Solving
      • A. Develop, implement, and model responsible decision making skills. 2. Organize personal time and manage personal responsibilities effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) b. Recognize how, when, and who to ask for help and utilize the resources available.
    SRS.15 Maintains Relationships
    CASEL 5
    • Relationship Skills
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Core Principles
      • C. Create a caring community. 2. Demonstrate mutual respect and utilize strategies to build a safe and supportive culture.
        • 6-8 (11-13) b. Model positive peer interactions that are void of bullying behaviors.

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 2. Monitor how facial expressions, body language, and tone impact interactions.

    Social Development

    • Interpersonal Skills
      • B. Develop and maintain positive relationships.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 1. Evaluate how self-regulation and relationships impact your life.
    SRS.12 Accepts Corrective Feedback
    CASEL 5
    • Self-Management
    Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

    Character Development

    • Core Principles
      • B. Develop, implement, promote, and model core ethical and performance principles.
        • 6-8 (11-13) 4. Practice and receive feedback on responsible actions including academic and behavioral skills.
      SRS.8 Deals with Change Initiated by Others
      CASEL 5
      • Social Awareness
      • Self-Management
      Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

      Character Development

      • Responsible Decision Making & Problem Solving
        • B. Develop, implement, and model effective problem solving skills.
          • 6-8 (11-13) 1. Identify specific feelings about the problem and apply appropriate self-regulation skills.
        SRS.7 Uses Self-Control
        CASEL 5
        • Self-Management
        • Relationship Skills
        Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

        Personal Development

        • Self-Management
          • A. Understand and practice strategies for managing and regulating thoughts and behaviors. B. Reflect on perspectives and emotional responses.
            • 6-8 (11-13) 6. Evaluate causes and effects of impulsive behavior.

        VOISS Domain: Social Comprehension Skills

        SC.13 Understands Appropriate Ways to Deal with Problems with Others
        CASEL 5
        • Responsible Decision Making

        Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

        Social Development

        • Interpersonal Skills
          • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
            • 6-8 (11-13) 3. Engage in advocacy and/or refusal skills during times of bullying, harassment, intimidation, or abusive behavior.

        Personal Development

        • Self-Awareness
          • Understanding and expressing personal thoughts, mindsets and emotions in constructive ways. B. Identify and assess personal qualities and external supports.
            • 6-8 (11-13) 5. Identify self-enhancement/self-preservation strategies.
        SC.12 Understands Gossip
        CASEL 5
        • Relationship Skills
        • Social Skills
        Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

        Character Development

        • Core Principles
          • C. Create a caring community. 3. Take steps to prevent peer cruelty or violence and deal with it effectively when it occurs digitally, verbally, physically and/or relationally.
            • 6-8 (11-13) e. Analyze how a bystander can be part of the problem or part of the solution by becoming an “up stander” (someone who stands up against injustice).

        Social Development

        • Interpersonal Skills
          • C. Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts.
            • 6-8 (11-13) 4. Identify their role in managing and resolving conflict (for example, staying calm, listening to all sides, being open to different solutions).
        SC.11 Manages Peer Pressure
        CASEL 5
        • Relationship Skills
        Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

        Social Development

        • Interpersonal Skills
          • B. Develop and maintain positive relationships.
            • 6-8 (11-13) 3. Respond in a healthy manner to peer-pressure against self and others.
        SC.9 Uses Slang and Idioms in Appropriate Settings
        CASEL 5
        • Relationship Skills
        • Social Skills
        Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

        Social Development

        • Interpersonal Skills
          • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
            • 6-8 (11-13) 6. Appraise and demonstrate professionalism and proper etiquette.
        SC.3 Uses a Respectful Voice
        CASEL 5
        • Relationship Skills
        • Self-Management
        Kansas Social Emotional Character Development Standards: Standard, Benchmark & Indicator

        Social Development

        • Interpersonal Skills
          • A. Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectively.
            • 6-8 (11-13) 2. Monitor how facial expressions, body language, and tone impact interactions.

        Social Development

        • Interpersonal Skills
          • C. Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts.
            • 6-8 (11-13) 3. Practice greater active listening and respectful communication skills.