During VOISS lessons, Marcus learned to respond to bullying and other unwanted behavior. Specifically, he learned to ignore unwanted behavior, leave the situation, and tell a trusted adult. Ms. Jones taught him to identify safe people and bullies, and to find groups...
Search Relationship Skills
Understands and Participates in Joking
During VOISS lessons, Marcus learned to identify situations in which people were joking. He learned to say, “That’s a good one” in response to jokes. Ms. Jones observed that Marcus was consistently responding to jokes, but only ever responded with, “That’s a good...
Understands Sarcasm and Figurative Language
During VOISS lessons, Marcus learned how to tell the differences between sarcasm and literal language. He also learned that sometimes his peers used figurative language to express themselves (e.g., “My mom has told me to clean my room like a million times”), which...
Accepts Another’s Opinion
During VOISS lessons, Marcus learned how to accept another’s opinion without getting angry or frustrated. He particularly learned these responses to promote self-calm: He could say to himself, “Some people have different opinions. I may disagree with them, but that’s...
Asks to Join In
During VOISS sessions, Marcus learned to identify pauses / breaks in activities, gain a peer’s attention by approaching them or saying their name (e.g., “Hey Steve”), and ask, “Can I join?” He learned that sometimes peers say no, and he can say, “That’s okay,” and...